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Particle & It's Emitter Guide

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Particle & It's Emitter Guide

Post by Triv »

Explanation for what all the odds names actually do.


dragCoefficient = 0.0; //The amount of initial velocity to be substracted from the velocity per second.
gravityCoefficient = 0; //The amount of gravity acceleration to be aplied on the particle.
inheritedVelFactor = 1.0; //The amount of velocity to be ported over from the emitter object to the particle.
constantAcceleration = 0; //The amount of the initial velocity to be added to the velocity per second.
lifetimeMS = 620; //The time in ms each particle has before it dissapates.
lifetimeVarianceMS = 50; //This will make lifetimeMS an value between 620+lifetimeVarianceMS and 620-lifetimeVarianceMS;
spinRandomMin = 0.0; //The minium angle/second an particle spins if it´s not oriented.
spinRandomMax = 0.0; //The maximum angle/second an particle spins if it´s not oriented.
windCoefficient = 0; //The amount of wind acceleration is added to the particle´s velocity.
useInvAlpha = false; //This inverses the colors of the texture used by the particle.
textureName = "~/data/shapes/rifle/smokeParticle"; //The .png texture to be used by the particle.

//Each particle has 4 key frames.
//times tells the particle when the key frame happens.
//Time[2] = 0.5; would make the third key frame start at 1/2 the particles live time.
//At each key frame the particle has it´s collor and size exactly like the keyframe values tell it to, inbetween keyframes the collor and size gradually change to match.
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 0.13;
times[2] = 0.5;
times[3] = 1.0;
colors[0] = "0.3 0.3 0.9 1";
colors[1] = "0.3 0.3 0.9 1";
colors[2] = "0.2 0.2 0.8 1";
colors[3] = "0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0";
sizes[0] = 0.05;
sizes[1] = 0.65;
sizes[2] = 0.35;
sizes[3] = 0.20;


//Each particle gets emitted in an certain direction.
//While the global direction depend on certain settings,
//it´s easy to think of the maximum being spherical.. or.. all directions.
//An emitter using it´s full direction potential will have particles starting with velocities in all directions and offsets wich are in the same direction.

ejectionPeriodMS = 50; //The amount of time between particle emissions.
periodVarianceMS = 0; //The variance of ejectionPeriodMs.
ejectionVelocity = 0; //Each particle will start out with this amount of velocity in the direction of it´s emission.
velocityVariance = 0; //The variance of this velocity.
ejectionOffset = 1; //Each particle will start this amout of meters away from the emitter in the direction of it´s emission.

//Theta and phi are bassically the angles determining the initial direction of the particle.
//Assume your a torque player, and you emitt particles in the direction your looking.
//Theta would be you looking up or down with 0 being totally up and 180 being totally down.
//Phi would be you looking more left or right.. with 0 being forward, 180 would make you turn to face backward.. and 360 would make you face forward again.
//The combination of those two will allow you to create certain emittion paterns.. like spheres and circles.

thetaMin = 0; //The minium theta angle to emitter particles at.
thetaMax = 90;//The maximum theta angle to emitter particles at.

phiVariance = 0; //The maximum phi angle to use (minimun would be 0)
//90 would be front to right
//180 would be front to right to backward.
//270 would be front to right to backward to left.
//360 would be a full circle and thus all directions.

phiReferenceVel = 0; //This value makes your emitter turn it´s ´0´ phi around in time.
//Looking back at the player example: slowly making you look to the right.

overrideAdvances = False; //Not sure.
particles = "PlayerJetP1"; //The particle datablock to use for emission.
orientParticles = True; //This will make the particles face their emission direction instead of the player.
orientOnVelocity = False; //This along with orientParticles being true will make particles face the direction they are flying to (including gravity/wind).
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