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Re: Power-Up Problem

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:56 pm
by Dazzle
Its the same problem as the reticle, the path the the actual projectile is incorrect or the object or bitmap you want to use cannot be found by the projectile datablock - make sure the path is correct where I have highlighted red in the example below.

datablock ProjectileData(BounceProjectile)
velocity = 35.0; // meters per second
inheritVelocity = 0.93; // how much of shooters velocity to inherit
numBounce = 8; // usually 0
bounceFactor = 0.5;
splashArea = 2.0; // usually 0
count = 45; // how many shots per clip?
saveOldCartridge = true; // chuck old cartridge or keep it around
canSave = false; // can this cartridge be saved if another comes along?
reloadTime = 150; // in milliseconds
burstDelay = 1000; // milliseconds until next burst if button held down
burstCount = 4; // number of projectiles to fire per burst
synchTime = 1000; // synch over this many milliseconds
synchBefore = 500; // synch if not older than this in milliseconds
damage = 1; // usually 1
gravityScale = 1.7; //
sizeScale = 0.6; // scale of projectile (meters for bitmaps)
resource = "~/data/shapes/tanks/bounceprojectile.png"; // shape or bitmap
tankExplosion = "BounceTankExplosion"; // datablock for explosion
ownTankExplosion = "BounceOwnTankExplosion"; // datablock for explosion
bounceExplosion = "BounceBump"; // datablock for explosion
otherExplosion = "BounceExplosion"; // datablock for explosion
reticle = "BounceReticle";

Re: Power-Up Problem

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:17 pm
by Taylor
oh, .png?

EDIT: nope.

Re: Power-Up Problem

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:21 pm
by Dazzle
Or whatever the projectile is, png, jpeg, dts etc etc