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Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:14 pm
by Warfare
accerate obviously go up

Nuh uh.

I drive a stick shift... The lower the gear, the higher the acceleration rate but lower max speed

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:28 pm
by Death Reaper
(Your right warfare, It was a text error. [I fixed it now])

Okay, so ya i'm thinking on this, Right now i have it written like a hotkey
Like Nuts had, Now the question is how do i tie it in?
if (!$server::dedicated) {
moveMap.bindCmd(keyboard, "1", "", "changeGears(%this, gearOne);");
if (!$server::dedicated) {
moveMap.bindCmd(keyboard, "2", "", "changeGears(%this, gearTwo);");
if (!$server::dedicated) {
moveMap.bindCmd(keyboard, "3", "", "changeGears(%this, gearThree);");
if (!$server::dedicated) {
moveMap.bindCmd(keyboard, "4", "", "changeGears(%this, gearFour);");

That's the gear change, but how do i activate or select a datablock?

datablock TankData(gearOne)
shapeFile = "~/data/shapes/tanks/tank01.dts";
brainShapeFile = "~/data/shapes/tanks/brainjar01.dts";
maxSpeed = 5.0; // meters per second (in forward direction)
accelRate = 15.0; // increase velocity this many meters per second
deccelRate = 30.0; // when breaking, decrease velocity
turnRate = 75.0; // degrees per second
antiSlideRate = 10.9;
turretHorRange = 53.5; // range in +/- degrees of turret horizontally
turretAutoLevel = 0.92;
damageAmount = 11.8; // total amount of damage tank can withstand
suspensionRange = 0.8; // proportion of wheel size for wheel to move up/down
damageScale = 1.0; // multiply damage we do to others by this amount
armorScale = 1.0; // multiply damage we take by this amount (note: smaller better)
defaultProjectile = "LightProjectile";
ai = GoldLightAI;

Hmm, Help? My mind is stuck in visual basic right now.. ROFL..
I just want to write

Private sub
dim gear as integer
If gear = 1 then
qearOne.enabled = true
gearTwo.enabled = false
gearThree.enabled = false
gearFour.enabled = false
end if
.. and so on
end sub

It'd be so much easier ROFL

So help ?


Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:36 am
by eR!c
thx doc now i feel really organized!!! GJ!


Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:27 am
by drsawbones

I think if you want you can upload zips and large files and formats of all kinds in the ptt2 skins & player gallery (see link in top bar)....up to 50mb if I recall. If you can't get it to go in the gallery as a regular user, contact a gallery admin to submit it to the gallery...and then you can link to your gallery stuff back here in the forums to recipricate.

And as a side note: It appears the IX server company we have the forums hosted on sends out a wipe and destroy bot since it's a TOS violation to store backup files that aren't linked to the hosted websites at IX. I can't even store backup files of this website on these servers. Amazingly, we made it 2 yrs before they wiped the downloads directory...not sure if they did it on purpose or what, but I think we should think of as a temporary holding zone for moving files to the gallery or for sharing and then deleting.

If you do decide to try to make a permanent place for storage of downloadable goodies, keep a backup structure of the folders and files so that you can push them back into place should IX magically delete them all again for no good reason...and make darn sure that all those downloadable goodies are linked somewhere in the ptt2 forums so that we can justify them being there, in the event IX decides to serve up a hot dish of TOS on me...capiche?

I don't know why demo's having access to mods would be a legal matter? as long as they can't hack their demo status?
right? :?