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Changing into a bot tank with ACAS?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:32 pm
by thinkohard1231
Hi there

Someone said we can change to a bot tank if we got acas. Is it true? then how?
Please help.

Re: Changing into a bot tank with ACAS?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:19 pm
by thinkohard1231

Re: Changing into a bot tank with ACAS?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:38 am
by Metal
no we can't

Re: Changing into a bot tank with ACAS?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:09 am
by Taylor
it's possible, i've seen players with bot heads, the code was like /bot... if you find the file that has the bot head skin than you could probably make a new code to make that become your brain... but don't ask me for scripting help!

Re: Changing into a bot tank with ACAS?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:08 am
by TheBMTBaron
Now, If your trying to figure out how to make the code where when you type /bot, you become pretty much possessed an it plays for you, plus, you have a Bot Head, then look HERE. Follow The Tutoural, you got yourself that code.

If your wanting to know how to make it so when you join Your Server, instead of having a Brain, you have a GoldBot Head or something like that? To change that, you have to get the TANKDB.CS.
This is what you do in the Tankdb.cs:

Find the light Tank, it should look like this:

Code: Select all

datablock TankData(LightTank : MediumTank)
   shapeFile = "~/data/shapes/tanks/tank01.dts";
   brainShapeFile = "~/data/shapes/tanks/brainjar01.dts";

   maxSpeed = 15.9;          // meters per second (in forward direction)
   accelRate = 14.0;         // increase velocity this many meters per second
   deccelRate = 20.0;        // when breaking, decrease velocity
   turnRate = 61.0;          // degrees per second
   antiSlideRate = 10.9;

   turretHorRange = 53.5;    // range in +/- degrees of turret horizontally
   turretAutoLevel = 0.92;

   damageAmount = 11.8;      // total amount of damage tank can withstand
   suspensionRange = 0.8;    // proportion of wheel size for wheel to move up/down

   damageScale = 1.0;        // multiply damage we do to others by this amount
   armorScale = 1.0;         // multiply damage we take by this amount (note: smaller better)

   defaultProjectile = "LightProjectile";
   ai = GoldLightAI;
Now, look for this Line:

Code: Select all

brainShapeFile = "~/data/shapes/tanks/brainjar01.dts";
Change "brainjar01.dts" to "bot03.dts" (Bot03 = Gold, Bot02 = Silver, Bot01 = Bronze)
It now looks like this:

Code: Select all

brainShapeFile = "~/data/shapes/tanks/bot03.dts";
Now, your done, Try it out!