If you haven't already done so, upgrade your game by downloading Dazzle's all-in-one upgrade pack. It comes with everything you need for today's servers. Does your blue bar freeze when joining servers? Do you lag in games? Do you get an annoying siren in Phobik's Servers? This is what you need. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

Ass_Clone comes in from the cold

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Ass_Clone comes in from the cold

Post by Ass_Clone_Army »

Hey TTers,

It's ACA from days of yore, come back to haunt the pages of PTT2 and the Scrum fields. It's literally been years since I've played TT and am just getting back on board with installing the app and resetting my PWs etc on with a new computer, so I should be in better shape than ever before (after I shed a bit of rust).

It's been so long that I need some pointers on what I need for mods etc in order to play effectively. I noticed my version of TT is so old that I can't even download all the game objects before the game ends... so I'll need to catch up on the latest version(s) to make things playable. If anyone can point me in the right direction for where to get downloads and installation instructions, I'd be much obliged. My main goal is to get the most Scrummable updates, but I'll take the Battlemode ones as well.

Hope to see you on the fields,

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Re: Ass_Clone comes in from the cold

Post by Cloud »

Welcome back! You'll need the Dazzle pack to get into the servers. See here: http://www.planetthinktanks2.com/forums ... =13&t=2912
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Re: Ass_Clone comes in from the cold

Post by Ass_Clone_Army »

I've updated to the latest Dazzle pack, following steps 2, 3 and 4 for now, and installed Phobik's client script as well, however I seem to be having trouble getting into the main Scrum server. I get the following message as the Scrum game tries to load (all the BM games seem to load fine):

"Missing particle texture: game/data/shapes/tanks/steamers03.png"

Can someone please send me that missing .png file, or better yet, point me to the update pack that includes that .png? Also, does anyone even play Scrum anymore? There's no Team Scrum server listed anymore... unless I'm not seeing all servers?
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Re: Ass_Clone comes in from the cold

Post by Ass_Clone_Army »

Also, it looks like there are big .ter files in the Phobik server that didn't come in the Dazz pack. Any clues on where to get em?
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Re: Ass_Clone comes in from the cold

Post by logan955 »

same thing I was trying to find it too but it's long gone forever :?

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