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Improving PTT2

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Improving PTT2

Post by ThatGuySam »

Please make your suggestions here for things that could be improved on Planet ThinkTanks 2:

I sugest there should be a Facebook or Twitter login part if you don't want to create an account.
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Re: Improving PTT2

Post by Smacky »

My suggestion would be to roll back the clock to the year 2006 when Think Tanks was a 4 year old game but the community was very vibrant and active. But alas this game is coming up on its 11th birthday and the great majority of players (like myself) have moved on to bigger and better things.

I for one always thought that TT was a very average game at best, but the community kept me around much longer than it normally would have. But most of the people that I enjoyed (not all) wasting (yes wasting) time on any given evening batting a few scrum balls or blasting a few hundred tanks while having some seriously hilarious conversation on skype with moved on, and gave me little reason to keep playing a very average game.

I'm not sure if you are an older player or not, but your appearance on these forums in a game that you cannot publicly obtain the installer for is curious at best and somewhat suspicious. That's the skeptic in me talking.
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Re: Improving PTT2

Post by CooLBoY »

Pretty much ^. PTT had one of the best gaming communities I came across from all the games I've played. But the facts are, this game loses a striving edge to keep on playing.

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